We Identify Bias so you don't have to.

Our Story

Designers & Developers

Verum.AI's journey is a tale of serendipity and shared ambition, focused on crafting innovative solutions to promote inclusivity in design and large language models. We've united a talented group of designers and developers from both UC Davis and UC San Diego, forging connections both professionally and personally. Our front-end design team is composed of Dereck Villagrana, Celeste Lu, and Juliana Viado, while our back-end development team comprises AJ, Marcos, and Megan.

Our story commenced with our participation in the DevPost All Inclusive Hacks hackathon. The team came together through Juliana's invaluable connections, acting as a bridge between the two groups. Despite initial uncertainties about how our diverse backgrounds and experiences would align, it didn't take long for us to gel during our first and second meetings. The designers' acute focus on inclusivity, accessibility, and usability seamlessly complemented the developers' expertise in the logic, databases, and infrastructure that drive digital systems.

This harmonious blend of skills and experiences laid the foundation for Candidate Match and Verum.AI. Fueled by our shared vision, we embarked on a mission to create an AI solution that not only harnesses advanced AI technology to detect bias, inconsistency, and misinformation within political documentation but also places user needs and preferences at the forefront.

In conclusion, Verum.AI embodies the successful synergy between designers and developers from UC Davis and UC San Diego, bound by a shared commitment to inclusive design and large language models. We're appreciative of the support and connections that have brought us to this point and remain dedicated to further enhancing our AI solutions for the benefit of all.

Our Mission

Unbiased Informed decision-making

Empowering Informed Democracy with AI: Our mission is to provide voters with a steadfast tool that cuts through bias, inconsistency, and misinformation. By leveraging advanced AI technology, we guide users towards making confident and well-informed voting decisions for a more transparent and engaged democratic process.

How Verum works

From Concept to Reality

The journey from the concept of our back-end infrastructure to the final product was a dynamic and challenging process that involved a variety of technologies and components. We began by selecting a technology stack that included Next.js, React, and Tailwind for our front-end, offering a modern and responsive user interface. On the back end, we leveraged AWS services such as API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB to create a robust serverless architecture that could efficiently handle user requests. One of the key challenges we encountered was enabling the analysis of both plain text and web content. To address this, we integrated an external API to extract text from external websites, making use of AWS Lambda to orchestrate these processes. The core of our system was the integration of GPT-3.5 Turbo, an AI model, to perform bias and accuracy analysis. Managing the prompt input for GPT-3.5 Turbo was a task in itself, as we needed to dynamically summarize text to fit within prompt limits while preserving the context. Throughout this journey, we tackled various technical hurdles, including optimizing API calls, handling asynchronous processes, and ensuring data privacy and security. However, the end result was a powerful and versatile system that could analyze text and web content for biases and inaccuracies, ultimately providing users with valuable insights into the information they encountered online. Our journey from concept to final product was marked by innovation, adaptability, and a commitment to delivering a robust solution in the realm of AI-driven content analysis.

Hello there!

Meet the Team

Product Designer -- UX Researcher

UX & Product Designer

'23 Design Graduate @ UC Davis

Backend + Frontend Developer

Software Engineer

'25 CS Student @ UCSD

Backend + Frontend Developer

Software Engineer

'25 Math-CS Student @ UCSD

Backend + Frontend Developer

Software Engineer

'23 Electrical Engineering Grad @ UCSD

Product Designer -- UX Researcher

UX & Product Designer

'23 Design Graduate @ UC Davis